Essential Chakra ClassWhat it does?
7 Week Class Cost $700 or $100 / Week (Class) Reiki/Karuna CertificationReiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.
Level 1 : $250 Level 2 : $300 Level 3 : $350 Apprenticeship ProgramA new certification class covering a wide range of topics that can be used for 'every day living for the self ' , as well as a reference guide to teach and help others.
Monthly Sunday meetings - 4 hours each, over 12 months. Topics Included are: 1- Self Love 2- Personal Reality 3- Astrology 4- Numerology 5-Chakras 6- Vibrations & Frequencies 7- Plant Medicine 8- Acupuncture (Reflex points) 9-Major Religions 10-Crystals & Grid Work 11-Blessings 12- Soul's Purpose When you sign up for this class monies are due at the beginning of class and you are responsible to pay even when you do not attend class. All materials and information will be given to you if absent. Cost : $150 per class per student. |
AromaTouch CertificationWhat is AromaTouch?
Cost 6 Hours for $149 IET CertificationIntegrated Energy Therapy is the next level to heal with the energy of angels. Developed at the Center of Being, by Steven J. Thayer. IET uses a divine angelic energy ray to work directly with your 12-Strand Spiritual DNA.Integrated Energy Therapy is a unique process that does an energetic alignment of your body, removing blocks and negative energy, replacing it with positive energies, creating a feeling of bliss and clarity.
Level 1: $250 Level 2: $300 Level 3 : $350 |